Reader thanks Jackson Township Fire for “outstanding response”

Dear Editor:

On Aug. 23, 2018, I was mowing grass around my pond with a commercial mower when the back tire rolled off the edge of the yard into the pond causing my mower to overturn and roll on top of me. I was trapped under the mower momentarily with injuries and finally got free.

I crawled up the bank of the pond in excruciating pain and was able to call my wife for help. She happened to be pulling into our drive and was able to come to my aid and then call 911 for help.

As I lied there in pain not being able to breathw, I wondered who might respond and what kind of help would I get. My wife reassured me everything was going to be fine and to breathe slowly. As I lied there for just a few moments, I could hear the sirens coming for me.

As the ambulance showed up, I noticed it wasn’t Seals Ambulance but an ambulance from Jackson Township Fire Territory. There were also others who showed up, but I’m not sure where they were from.

I want to thank Jackson Township Fire Territory M355, Yanna and Fred, for their quick response to the scene. I also want to thank them for their professional care, knowledge and smooth ride to the hospital. Without their quick response and actions, I’m not sure what would have happened.

Living in White River Township, I thought we were covered by Seals Ambulance and I wondered why Seals didn’t respond.

I discovered that Seals Ambulance was marked “In Service” but couldn’t respond because they were not in the area. The call then went to Jackson Township Fire who was ready and staffed to respond.

I’m finding out that Seals Ambulance Service does not have staff or an ambulance ready to respond should there be an emergency in White River Township most of the time. This really concerns me! White River Township residents deserve better than this!

I understand ambulance services can’t be “in-service” 100 percent of the time and have mutual aid agreements, but there is no excuse why Seals Ambulance is not “in-service” more times than not at Walnut Grove.

I would like to know who hired Seals Ambulance to treat the White River Township residents. I don’t feel they have the adequate manpower, knowledge and response times as Jackson Township Fire or Cicero Fire Department. We, as White River Township residents, deserve better than what we are receiving!

Thanks again to Jackson Township Fire for being “in-service” and answering my call for service! You are to be commended for your outstanding response, care and transport to the hospital.

Brad Osswald

White River Township