Reader takes issue with “logical fallacies” in arguments for COVID-19 vaccination

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Dear Editor:

I learned in my freshman logic class that fallacies are used in arguments so one side prevails.  In recent institutional decrees regarding MANDATORY inoculation, leaders are dictating by using multiple fallacies.

These dictators use ad hominem attacks using “US versus THEM” language. The pejorative term “anti-vaxxers” is used to skew the argument and take the “moral high ground.” Mind you, last year these same “leaders” were calling these same health care workers “heroes.”

They blinded us with ad populum “science fiction.” They say, “Johnny and Jenny got the jab, why not you?” If I said that to my mother, her response would be, “If Johnny and Jenny jumped off a bridge!”

Then there is the fallacy of suppressed evidence.  Where there is contradicting evidence, only confirming evidence is presented. Sadly, there is more and more testimony coming to light of the suppression of negative side effect numbers.

The elephant in the room is the question of the origin of the COVID bioweapon.

The Chinese military laboratory in Wuhan is the answer to its origin with funding from elements in our government highlighted by Anthony Fauci.

Let’s get real. Logic is not a luxury; it is a necessity if more people’s lives are not going to be harmed by weird science.

Do we want to be a colony of the new Chinese Emperor Xi Jinping with no liberty, or do we want our American Republic back with our Constitutional liberties intact?  I choose FREEDOM FOREVER.

Rev. Mark J. Powell


3 Comments on "Reader takes issue with “logical fallacies” in arguments for COVID-19 vaccination"

  1. Mari Briggs | July 30, 2021 at 6:12 pm |

    Well said Rev. Mark J. Powell.

  2. Jess Hamilton | August 4, 2021 at 2:32 am |

    Rather ironic how full of fallacies this is.

  3. Definition of logic
    1a(1) : a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning.

    Suggest requesting a refund from the applicable university.

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