Reader supports Chuck Goodrich

Dear Editor:

Decisions made in Indianapolis by lawmakers have a direct impact on our life. There is no one I trust more to make the right policy choices for my daughter and me than Chuck Goodrich.

I have known Chuck for close to 10 years as a friend and brother in Christ at White River Christian Church. Chuck is a dedicated, trustworthy and hardworking man. He is a doer; if something needs to be done, he does it without thinking twice. I learned this first hand after my husband passed away unexpectedly in the midst of a major home remodel last year. My beautiful daughter, Megan, is autistic and had an especially difficult time processing her father’s death. Chuck was there for Megan as she went through the grieving process in her own, unique way. Chuck and Megan also share a birthday; he sends her flowers every year.

As President of Gaylor Electric, I knew Chuck was a hard worker but was blown away when he personally took over managing the completion of our home. He was generous not only with his time but also financially. Money was tight after my husband’s death. Chuck ensured Megan and I didn’t want for anything. Groceries, utilities, you name it, Chuck took care of it for us. Chuck Goodrich is the only candidate running for state representative in House District 29 who volunteered to give his taxpayer funded salary back to the people. I know his campaign platform “People First” will happen because I’m one of those people he put first.

I encourage voters to vote for Chuck Goodrich in the Republican Primary on or before May 8.

Janice Reddick
