Reader questions IDI, Merrell family

Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to a letter available at this link.

Dear Editor:

I find it rich that an executive with a company that has received tax abatements will praise the school referendum. I don’t think this is the first time IDI or the Merrell family has received abatements:;id=5716

It is time to end TIFs and these special abatements, otherwise you’ll keep seeing these hypocrites going into your well for more school funding referenda.

As John Taylor of Caroline asked in “Tyranny Unmasked” in 1823: “Is there any moral difference between effecting a transfer of property by violence, or by fictitious currencies and legal privileges, except that one must be transitory and the other permanent?”

The “legal” privileges IDI has received are turning into a permanent state of referendum for our schools.  If I were Mr. Merrell, I’d gladly trade $185 for $33,191.


Eric Morris
