Reader from the Philippines supports Straw for Sheriff

Dear Editor:

I am writing to support USAF Captain Jason Lee Straw (ret.) in his run for Hamilton County Sheriff, and to clear up some misconceptions.

Jason is a combat veteran with management experience while he served in Afghanistan. He and his team saved the lives of veterans blown up on the battlefield. Over 600, he told me. Jason doesn’t need more training about emergencies and terrorism as the current sheriff is asking Jason’s opponent to get. Jason has served as an instructor.

Jason knows how to set priorities and his captain level rank in the U.S. Air Force was earned while serving on the front lines of the War on Terror, cleaning up the aftermath of terrorists attacking Americans there.

Other police departments across the nation actively recruit experienced veterans like Jason, but Hamilton County is fortunate that Jason is ready to serve and protect some more, and he lives in Hamilton County.

Jason’s opponent has said Jason does not have law enforcement experience, but that’s not true. In addition to serving in the 82nd Airborne as a paratrooper and in the U.S. Air Force, Jason also served in the Indiana National Guard, which is a law enforcement agency. His opponent has only ever served a sheriff, while Jason’s chains of command were the Indiana governor or the president of the United States.

When you look at the backgrounds, Jason’s rank as a U.S. Air Force captain and his heroic deeds saving veterans’ lives outranks a middle manager at the sheriff’s office whom the sheriff thinks “needs more emergency training.”

Jason’s opponent may think he has an entitlement to the office of sheriff because he worked there a long time. But this is an election, not a political appointment, and the candidate with the superior level of service should be the next sheriff.

All I can say is: Jason Straw for Sheriff.

Andrew Straw

Founder, Disability Party

Bauan City, Batangas Region, Philippines

Formerly Westfield, Ind.

1 Comment on "Reader from the Philippines supports Straw for Sheriff"

  1. Thank you for publishing this letter. At one time, I lived in Westfield at my brother’s house and it was nice to have time with him after he was away so often in the military. Our whole family are proud of what he did in Afghanistan. The stories he tells are of patriotism, sacrifice, and suffering, very compelling to me, so moving.

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