Reader finds Janet’s column inspiring

Dear Editor:

A Big Thank You to Janet Hart Leonard for her March 12 column, “Thoughts from the second row.”

Ms. Leonard expressed the thoughts of this reader and I believe many, if not most Americans. I also remember the 1970s when, like today, we experienced toxic unpatriotic expressions from a boisterous few.

I am old enough to remember what has been called The “Greatest play in baseball” in 1976 when Cubs center fielder Rick Monday saved the American flag from two activists determined to interrupt the game by setting it on fire. Fans and players alike in Los Angeles gave Monday a standing ovation then began singing God Bless America. Thankfully that film clip has survived and can be seen today on YouTube.

It’s really wonderful and inspiring like your thoughtful words give us hope that these virulent actions from the noisy few will, as with the 70s, be gratefully behind us.

George Hodgson
