Reader encourages civility during election season, endorses Crosser, Lambert, Richardson for Noblesville school board

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Dear Editor:

Election season is in full swing – for better or worse. While this process brings out the best of our country through electing leadership and representation through the democratic process, it also can cause divisiveness and ruin friendships by each of us voicing our support of candidates that may go against our neighbors and friends’ beliefs and values.

While I fully support voicing your opinion and standing strong for your beliefs and value, I also urge you to do so respectfully and civilly.

While all the offices are important, the local elections play an extremely important role to those of us who reside in this area. The candidates we elect locally likely affect day-to-day decisions that impact all of us.

I applaud and respect anyone who makes the decision to run as a candidate for office. The impact the campaign process has on your daily life, in addition to the affect it can have on your family, is a significant sacrifice made to serve the community. With the negativity that can be spewed with a “post” or “comment” towards a candidate, it is amazing that several candidates still are willing to participate in the process and they should be commended for doing so.

The Noblesville School Board has a contested election for school board seats. I have not had the privilege to meet all the candidates, but I have had the opportunity to work with three on various non-profit boards that I serve on and through community programs.

I attended the Hamilton County Leadership Academy in the Class of 2023 with Christi Crosser. That class lasted one year, and I was partnered with Christi in several small groups and projects during this class. Her involvement and dedication to Noblesville and Noblesville Schools was awe-inspiring. Since that time, I’ve had the opportunity to see her in action at community events, charity galas, fundraisers, etc. and her dedication to the community is second to none. She is a constant advocate and supporter for our community and I’m proud to be her friend.

I’ve served on a non-profit board with Stephanie Lambert for nearly a year. She volunteered to serve on this board as we had some board members vacating their spots and we needed new, energetic board members to step in and step up. I will not name the particular non-profit out of respect for the separation of the board and the political process, but we provide a significant amount of assistance for our local students. Stephanie has demonstrated the dedication, enthusiasm and hard work that we needed to continue the board’s success as we encounter new challenges. She’s an asset to this board, a good friend, and I believe an asset to our community.

Bret Richardson has served as a volunteer for about every organization our city has over the last several years. Bret also served as a reserve law enforcement officer for several years at the county level. I’ve gotten to know him better over the last year or two and am quite impressed. The first time I met him, he was loading donated school supplies on a bus as part of a fundraiser. We have several mutual friends and acquaintances, and I have never heard a bad word said regarding him or his community involvement. He has a servant’s heart and is, in my opinion, the type of person we want involved locally.

These three individuals currently serve on the Noblesville School Board. Professionally, it was reported on Sept. 4, 2024, that S&P raised the Noblesville Schools financial rating for the second time in two years. At a time when government spending is under scrutiny, appropriately so, this is refreshing.

I urge you to research all the candidates and support and vote for those candidates that reflect your beliefs and values. Voter turnout is consistently low, and I would encourage you to participate in the process, whether as a voter, candidate, community advocate, or in any other role that you can.

Dustin Dixon

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