Reader calls on police, firefighter unions to step aside from politics

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Dear Editor:

I noticed in your paper that Adam Aasen was endorsed by the Carmel firefighters’ union. I would have to assume this is because his opponent, Dave Hommel, either supports arsonists or doesn’t support the fire department. I guess that makes this point on his candidate page inaccurate: “I fully support our awesome teams such as Police, Fire, Roads, Parks, etc.”

By issuing endorsements, I think the police and fire unions undermine the commonly held view that they do it for the public and not to serve their own interests. I think we would all be better served if they refrained from wallowing in the political mud.


Eric Morris


1 Comment on "Reader calls on police, firefighter unions to step aside from politics"

  1. Christine Pauley | March 14, 2019 at 4:02 pm |

    I agree. I watched, as the Mayor of Carmel who is running for re-election, negotiatied the City of Carmel Fire and Police union contracts the last few months. Borh negotiated contracts are available for public review as they had to be approved by BPW (three member board including Mayor) and City Council, all who are running in May 2019 primary. There exists the appearance of potential favoritism to the incumbents and those who “support the mayor 100%”. The unions in good faith should both step away from the political arena and thus the appearance of impartiality of their “negotiated contracts” in an election year. The Fire Union is especially important due to the financial and manpower support (albeit off duty time) given to chosen candidates. All those running understand the significant election advantage to be had with the endorsements. It’s time for a change in 24 year City Hall politics.

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