Reader calls for change, leadership on May 8

Dear Editor:

Change is good. To improve, change is necessary. And Cops HATE change.

That is, until they’re backed into a corner. Then, they will fight for change. If you are at all familiar with the dynamics within the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office you will know that change is necessary. To progress, to evolve, to move into the next generation of policing and corrections we MUST change. And that change needs to start on May 8; and it needs to start with electing Bill Clifford as the next Hamilton County Sheriff.

I don’t want you to vote for Bill because he’s my friend. Friendship and leadership having nothing to do with each other. And being my friend and obtaining my political support have even less to do with one another. Simply put, I want what’s best for the Agency and the Community. Period.

I’m not going to disparage the other candidates, even if some of their propaganda is rooted in lies or deceit. What I will do is tell you that Bill is a trustworthy and honorable man. A man rooted in faith and family. A man who supports his troops and has given his blood, sweat, and tears to the citizens of Hamilton County for 30 years. It doesn’t matter that he was a patrolman, a deputy, then a general detective; that he went on to work in the Drug Task Force, investigate sex crimes, and become an FBI Negotiator. It also doesn’t matter that he supervised the Tactical Tracking Team, is the Range Master, a firearms instructor, a master taser instructor, a less lethal instructor. It doesn’t matter that he is a field training officer and has been promoted to merit sergeant. It also doesn’t matter that he’s attended a laundry list of specialized training in Leadership, tactical response, and active shooters (this article can’t hold the number of topics Bill has been trained in…). But why doesn’t all this matter?

It doesn’t matter because the type of CHANGE in leadership the 300+ employees at the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office need isn’t found in a rank. It’s not found in an appointed position or a training class or a special assignment or a college degree.

It is found in Bill Clifford. And I respectfully ask that you vote for him on May 8.

Brian Niec


2 Comments on "Reader calls for change, leadership on May 8"

  1. Chandra McKinney | April 1, 2018 at 9:24 pm |

    My first question for Mr. Niec would be, “If Bill Clifford’s resume doesn’t matter than why is so important to make sure people are aware of his accomplishments?” and you state yourself, “the next Sheriff isn’t found in a rank, its not found in an appointed position or training class or college degree”. So forgive me for being a bit confused on your intent. I believe most if not all the candidates have outstanding schooling, training and accomplishments during their careers. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to the residents of Hamilton County to know what his plans are if he is elected as Sheriff? Also, exactly how are the Deputies backed into a corner that they feel change is desperately needed, is this effecting the residents of Hamilton County? You say that the other candidates have propaganda’s of lies and deceit, doesn’t the residents of Hamilton County have the right to know what these lies are and can you honestly say Clifford has been completely truthful in his campaign? After all, my main concern is that the next Sheriff will do all he can to keep us safe, support his employees and citizens in need. What I would hate to see is the next Sheriff make decisions based on lies, rumors, and grudges. The loss of Deputy Pickett in Boone County really opened my eyes and I’ve been involved in law enforcement for 21 years. I saw many brothers and sisters of law enforcement come together, despite who they are supporting, for a fallen brother. Why is it that this can only be done when a wife, husband, mother or father loses their child in the line of duty? Surprisingly it was a short time after the tragic lose of Deputy Picket that the unnecessary trash talk of political campaigning began again, Whomever wins, I just hope its because that person has been honest, respectful to other candidates and has his family and our in his best interest. I encourage all residents of Hamilton County to reach out to each candidate and ask questions or express your concerns.

  2. Jill Noose | April 3, 2018 at 5:21 pm |

    I think what Mr. Niec was trying to say by listing just a few of Mr. Clifford’s accomplishments, which didn’t make Mrs. Sloderbeck’s spreadsheet, is exactly what you so eloquently said. Which is, “all of the candidates have had some outstanding schooling, training, and accomplishments during their careers” most of which have spanned over 30 years. I also believe you are correct in saying it is most beneficial for everyone to know what the candidates plans are if elected as Sheriff. The best source to hear those plans is from the candidates. Not from some of the articles, social media posts, or comments left on opinion pages. You and your family have endorsed a different candidate than Mr. Clifford. This is all part of the democratic process and a good thing. You should support your candidate and speak highly of him, just as Mr. Niec has done. I think it’s commendable of Mr. Niec to acknowledge his support for a candidate and speak of his support for that candidate. Your comments, Mrs. McKinney, do not even acknowledge or mention the candidate, Dennis Quakenbush, which you support. Your comments only take a swipe at the author of the letter and his candidate. Is your concern about the next Sheriff truly about the citizens of Hamilton County or about you and your family? It is important to note that your husband is a part of the current administration which Mr. Niec is calling for change in. He holds an appointed rank and faces the possibility of dropping three ranks and pay grades if he does not retain his spot under the newly elected Sheriff. It is also important to note that your family chose to endorse and support “the best person for the position” a few months ago, which at the time in your opinion was Mr. Sloderbeck. For reasons he has yet to disclose he filed for the position and then withdrew a few days later after a year of campaigning. Your family has now openly endorsed the next “best candidate for the position” who just decided to enter this race which has been going on for over a year after Mr. Sloderbeck dropped out for unknown reasons. As Mr. Quakenbush points out, he has been in a staff level position with your husband for 7 years, 3 months, and 3 days. The best example of what he hopes to accomplish could be shown by looking at his actions while he has been in that staff level position. Mr. Quakenbush is a front man for what Mr. Sloderbeck hoped to accomplish and fell short of doing because of reasons he will not disclose. He even uses the same “ready on day one slogan”. So is your concern really about the citizens of Hamilton County, or about your husband retaining his appointed position as a Captain and his Captain pay as you place Push for Quakenbush signs throughout the county? You mention being confused. Being a dispatcher for 21 years I would have expected you to know the Elected Sheriff has nothing personally to do with keeping you safe or assisting citizens in need. It is the men and women in uniform who do, have done, and will continue to provide those services with pride and dedication to duty regardless of who is elected Sheriff. With your vast experience I believe you have seen a few Sheriff’s come and go. I am sure you can remember one in the recent past which was a true leader of people and an inspiration to the Office, its employees, and the profession. You lead from the front not lord from a desk chair. Having a leader with those qualities does in fact do much more than I could possibly express here in this article for the Sheriff’s Office and in turn the community. This cannot be accomplished with a manager, only a leader. The office of Sheriff is NOT about counting beans, spreadsheets, and degree’s. The office of Sheriff, the only elected law enforcement position in this state, is about service to the community, finding new innovative ways to fight new crimes and problems in an effort to become proactive and not reactive, working together with other agencies toward those same goals, and doing everything in your power while you have the captive audience of those in your jail to offer all the help, education, and motivation for those inmates never to return once released. None of these things can be accomplished with a sharp pencil on a spreadsheet attempting to run a Sheriff’s Office like the manager of a small business when in fact it is comprised of over 300 men and women who work in a chain of command with a rank structure.

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