Reader believes that when it comes to safety, we’re all in this together

Dear Editor:

We, as many of you, were horrified to learn of the shooting at Noblesville West Middle School this past May. Schools are central hubs of our community and should be safe havens for young people. When that security is shaken, it can be terrifying for students, educators and families.

As much as we were shocked by this shooting, at Prevail we see the effects of horrific acts of violence in our community every single day. Every day, our advocates help people who have experienced devastating events cope with their trauma. Every day, kids, teens and adults fill our offices and share their own stories of violence, emotional abuse, stalking and sexual assault.

Hamilton County is remarkably safe, especially when compared to many other places across the state and even the country. We have incredible assets and strengths that offer opportunities and advantages many places lack. Our schools are top-notch, our parks are pristine, our law enforcement agencies are responsive, and there’s always something fun to do. While these resources contribute to a wonderful sense of security, we cannot ignore the gaps in our community. We cannot turn a blind eye to our friends and neighbors who are struggling.

One of the greatest assets our community offers is the wide array of service agencies and community organizations dedicated to improving our individual and collective well-being. However, many of these agencies, like Prevail, are often overwhelmed by the immediate needs of individuals and families in crisis. Though these intervention services are critical, they do little to reduce the number of people walking through our doors every day. In order to make our community safer, we need to be proactive rather than reactive – and we need your help to do that.

Preventing violence begins with all of us working together to create safer and loving environments. That means building relationships, strengthening connections and checking in on the people around you. It means encouraging each other, building others up and breaking down the stigma that surrounds seeking help.

It is easy to point fingers, hurl blame and wait for someone else to do something about the conditions that contribute to violence in our community. But every single one of us has a responsibility to our friends, families and neighbors to do our part in keeping Hamilton County safe.

When it comes to making our community even better, we are all in this together.

Kelly Growden

Primary Prevention Specialist
