Reader asks, “Why is Carmel politics so trashy?”

Dear Editor:

After reading the article about the current dirty politics in Carmel, I have learned recently that the mayor’s opposition keeps trespassing on his personal property to rummage through his trash to dig up dirt on him, stealing U.S. mail from those trash cans from his private property.

Then they are posting the stolen artifacts from his trash to social media. This is illegal to trespass on his private residence and also illegal to steal directly from his trash cans on his property. And slander too? Come on. I am newer to Carmel, but this is totally ridiculous. I was hoping my first time voting in this beautiful city would have more ethics involved. This is ruining my image of the city and its residents.

From what I have heard, this has been an issue for quite some time and it is absolutely unacceptable. Negative attacks and slander are very childish and not needed ever in politics. This isn’t the playground anymore in grade school. Let’s grow up here. And also trashing other candidates with it? There’s something wrong here.

Now with the supporters of Fred Glynn going through the mayor’s discards and blasting it all over social media … the type of supporters that Mr. Glynn has, including those who align with his principles, need to pull themselves from the race immediately. They have until Monday at 11 a.m. to get it done. The city of Carmel and its citizens deserve much better than what they are getting right now from these folks.


Matt Bartlett


4 Comments on "Reader asks, “Why is Carmel politics so trashy?”"

  1. They have until 11A.M. monday or else what?

  2. Was Fred Glynn involved with the taking of this thank you note? And, how do you know that the person who took it is a Glynn supporter? Maybe they’re just anti-Brainard! Also, that thank you note was the cleanest piece of “trash” that I’ve ever seen come out of a household trash receptacle. I don’t live in Carmel, but there is something fishy about this situation, and my suspicions aren’t in regards to the Brainard opposition!

  3. These comments by the letter writer are suspiciously self serving as is the deed itself! The writer seems to confess a certain newness to Carmel and so is unaware that the individual who introduced “dirty politics” is none other than Mayor Brainard himself. It is totally within the realm of his and his campaigns’ behavior to see that they could have injured this in order to introduce a false narrative that paints the Mayor as the innocent injured party. From hiring private investigators to trail private citizens, including candidates seeking to run against him to threats issued by his personnel promising retaliation if there are open expressions of support for a challenger merely illustrate the range the Mayor and his supporters and operatives will go to in order to insure retaining power. This Mayor has sacrificed everything in his personal life, including family, in order to cling to the one thing that is important to him. He may have never risen to any level of real power but he is desperate to hold on to what little he has in Carmel! If you are new to Carmel take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the immediate past when it comes to local politics and how the stage was set by the Mayor. To paraphrase…be careful what you sow as you shall reap the same!

  4. As we have since learned, this story is “fake news.” Perhaps the author of this letter should get the facts before making wild accusations against candidates who had nothing to do with this manufactured scenario. Sadly, this sort of political theater is not below Mayor Brainard and his minions. Exactly what I would expect from Democrats!

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