Purdue announces plans for normal operations

Purdue University trustees on Wednesday approved a resolution to open Purdue’s West Lafayette campus to normal operations for the 2021-22 academic year.

Trustees reviewed a status update from the Protect Purdue Implementation Team with recommendations for modifications to the current Protect Purdue plan, and further directed Purdue senior leaders and the Protect Purdue team to actively monitor COVID-19 developments and take action as necessary to maintain campus continuity.

Reinforcing the need for each individual to take personal responsibility to protect themselves, others and the community, trustees said the key to upholding the Protect Purdue Pledge going forward will be choosing to be vaccinated or taking part in regular surveillance testing.

Plans for fall 2021 will include:

  • Return all campus spaces to full density.
  • Return athletics and other venues to full occupancy levels.
  • Welcome back alumni and visitors.
  • Reinstate pre-pandemic attendance policies for academic courses.
  • Reduce number of university-provided isolation/quarantine spaces.

In addition, Purdue intends to begin the fall semester with little to no use of face masks. A final decision on masking in classrooms and instructional spaces will be made closer to the start of the semester.

Key factors in that decision will include the percentage of the campus population that has been vaccinated, the number and severity of local and campus cases, and the latest scientific information relative to variants and the risk they pose, particularly to unique environments that are densely populated and involve many individuals congregating together indoors for prolonged periods of time.

Click here for more information about the Protect Purdue update.