Price Heating defeats Deem in three-way tie, takes lead

Don Dwigans (shown during the July 4 Sheridan Horseshoe League's clinic) led the actual game and actual series standings after the league's Tuesday competition. (Reporter file photo by Richie Hall)

Sheridan Horseshoe League . . .

Jeff Ogle led his team from start to finish as Price Heating broke the three-way tie by handily defeating Deem. Meanwhile, Traditional Concepts, who could hardly buy a win in the first round, moved into second by taking 8.5 wins losing only 1.5. This week the teams will draw to see whom they will pitch.

The league will hold the Ashpaugh Electric open tournament on Saturday, Aug. 4. Anyone 18 years or older may compete in the tournament. For information, click here or call 317-867-4467.

Second Round Team Standings

                                             Won    Lost    Points

Price Heating                          16         4          2788

Traditional Concepts            11.5      8.5       2754

JBS United                             11          9          2674

Carey on Main                        9          11         2673

Deem                                        8          12        2716

Ashpaugh Electric                 4.5       15.5     2674


Individual Leaders

Actual Game       Score

Don Dwigans          76

Mike Milcoff           73

Jeff Ogle                  67


Actual Series     Score

Don Dwigans        205

Mike Milcoff         190

Jeff Ogle                189


Handicap Game        Score

Austin Burmeister         127

Mitch Dwigans               127


Handicap Series        Score

Jeff Ogle                          367

Mitch Dwigans               365

Austin Burmeister         365