Prevail’s Hero of the Month . . . Sophie McGrath

Photo provided by Prevail, Inc.

Prevail’s Hero the Month for November is an incredible person using the power of her voice to uplift survivors and to reduce the stigma that they face. Because of her efforts in our community, the Prevail team honors Sophie McGrath as the Prevail Hero.

McGrath has courageously used her voice to empower survivors through her involvement with the Speakers’ Bureau for several years. Recently, she shared her story with Prevail supporters at the Fashion Show to speak about Prevail’s services, the impact those services have on survivors, and how we all can show up for survivors in our lives.

Her commitment to eliminating violence by using her voice to educate the community has provided hope to so many survivors and has inspired countless community members to seek out opportunities to get involved in the work being done at Prevail.

Thank you so much, Sophie. Your dedication to making this community a safer place for everyone is humbling and Prevail is honored to call you the Hero of the Month.