Prevail names Prosecutor Lee Buckingham Spring Hero

Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Lee Buckingham (right) and Prevail’s Operations Supervisor Leah Wills. (Photo provided)

Prevail, Inc. has named Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney D. Lee Buckingham II as the Spring Hero of 2022. A Prevail Hero is someone who goes above and beyond in service of individuals impacted by crime and abuse in the county.

Prevail’s mission strives to create a community that is safe and healthy for all who call Hamilton County home. In an ideal world, the community would be void of crime and abuse. This lofty goal is within reach because it is shared by so many in the community. Prevail collaborates with many partners who envision the same future of a safer community.

A champion and frontline partner in this work is D. Lee Buckingham II.

As the county prosecutor, Buckingham has assisted and advocated for the implementation of an evidence-based lethality assessment program that now all county law enforcement agencies use in responding to domestic violence. He heads the Sexual Assault Response Team. In 2020, he identified the need and supported the creation of Hamilton County’s Domestic Violence Task Force (DVTF). He has consistently brought trauma-informed care training to his prosecutors and the DVTF. In 2021, he hired a full-time Victim Assistance Specialist on the team.

These actions have improved outcomes for first responders and those working in the criminal justice system to better understand the effects of domestic violence and intimate partner homicide, enhanced collaboration across multiple agencies working to increase safety, and increased support for victim advocacy services.

Because of Buckingham’s dedication to this community, Prevail is better able to make strides to improve the response to crime and abuse. With his help, the move is being made from response to prevention, which truly makes Hamilton County a safe place to live, work, and play.

About Prevail, Inc.

Since 1986, Prevail has assisted more than 50,000 victims of violent crimes in putting the pieces of their lives back together. In 2020, Prevail provided programs and services to almost 4,000 survivors. Prevail has secured a partnership with Hamilton County to begin the design of a first-of-its-kind 20,000 square-foot family shelter for victims of violence. Learn more at