Frank Pichler
Prevail Inc., a leading provider of services for victims of crime and abuse, is honored to announce a generous $1,000,000 donation from the family of Frank and Charlotte Pichler. This transformative gift to the Prevail Inc. Foundation is made in memory of Frank Pichler, a longtime supporter of Prevail and their mission.
Honoring Frank’s wishes, this donation will significantly enhance Prevail’s ability to support and empower victims of crime and abuse. This contribution will fund critical programs, expand outreach efforts, and provide vital resources to those survivors who need them most.
“We are deeply moved by the Pichler family’s generosity and their commitment to honoring Frank’s legacy through this impactful donation,” Prevail Executive Director Tami R. Wanninger said. “This generous gift to our endowment not only strengthens our capacity to support victims of crime and abuse today but ensures that our mission will continue for generations to come. This commitment to our future has the power to change lives, bringing hope and healing to those survivors who need it the most.”
Frank Pichler was a passionate advocate for justice and a beloved figure in the community. His dedication to helping others and his unwavering belief in the power of kindness continue to inspire those who knew him. The magnitude of this donation is a testament to Frank’s enduring legacy and the values and beliefs he held dear.
In recognition of this extraordinary gift, Prevail will use the investment proceeds to support ongoing initiatives aimed at assisting victims of crime and abuse. The Foundation is committed to ensuring that Frank’s legacy lives on through meaningful action and continued advocacy for those in need.
“We hope that this gift not only honors Frank’s memory but also inspires others to support the vital work that Prevail is doing in our community,” said Charlotte Pichler, Frank’s wife. “Frank believed in standing up for what is right and helping those who are most vulnerable. We are proud to carry on his legacy in this way.”
Prevail is a nonprofit based in Noblesville dedicated to offering crisis intervention and restorative support services for those who have experiences crime and abuse, free of charge, in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental environment that is meant to empower those served. For more information about Prevail and its endowment capacity efforts, please visit prevailinc.org or call Tami Wanninger at (317) 773-6942 or twanninger@prevailinc.org.
About Prevail Inc.
Prevail’s mission is to empower victims of crime and abuse on their path to healing, while engaging the community to support safe, healthy relationships. Prevail provides crisis intervention and restorative support services to individuals, children and families who are victims of crime and abuse. Prevail serves over 3,100 individuals annually.