Pregnant women should continue checking in with their doctor during pandemic



Doctors are saying pregnant women need to visit doctors’ offices now more than ever and that it’s also possible we’ll see a baby boom late this year.

Doctors say some women are a little nervous about pregnancy at this time. There are so many things unknown and information changes really rapidly. But that’s where doctors can help.

The number one thing IU Health OBGYN Dr. Chemen Neal says is to go into your doctor’s office for prenatal care. This includes checkups and testing to help keep you and your baby healthy.

Dr. Neal says families are moving forward from COVID-19 and wanting to get counseling about preparing for pregnancy, something that’s a bit different now than before the pandemic.

With the pandemic starting around February and March, it’s possible there could be a surge in deliveries around October, November and December.

Stay-at-home orders were consistent throughout the country and Dr. Neal says it’s true people were home more and had less to do.

“I definitely have a lot of new patients that are newly pregnant,” IU Health Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Neal said. “It doesn’t quite seem yet that it’s more than usual. But you really have to count and look at the numbers to be able to tell. So, I think as the months go on, we will know.”

Dr. Neal says it’s also possible numbers across the country could vary, as some places haven’t been hit as hard with the pandemic. She says places like New York had a more difficult time so numbers there wouldn’t be the same here in Indiana.

Doctors say there’s no reason to delay pregnancy at this time. It’s just important to be in contact with your doctor.