Powell: Next decade will prove pivotal for America

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Dear Editor:

Despite his all-too-human foibles, President John F. Kennedy publicly lived the type of leadership and vision America needs today.

What America has been given lately are the ramblings of career politicians or the blowhard egos of billionaires.

America, if we are to be free again, must come to grips that the cancer of Corporate Communism has metastasized in the body politic of our nation.

Since 1972 when Kissinger and Nixon opened the Pandora’s box, American freedom has melted away, along with American factories, American culture and now at the end American pride.

The adversary was ever so clever and cunning, ever so silent and deadly in the infiltration of our institutions of government, education, unions, seminaries and religious denominations, Wall Street, technology, healthcare, the military, and intelligence agencies.

This immediate decade ahead will see for the first time since the 1860s Americans fighting for our own FREEDOMS on our own soil.

It is my hope and prayer as a pastor of souls that we can regain our freedoms peacefully.

Freedom is in the American DNA, and no mRNA will change that reality.

No concocted bioweapon designed by the Communist Chinese or traitorous Americans who have chosen to join the ranks of Brutus, Judas and Benedict Arnold can destroy the dignity of the individual over the collective.

Free will is God’s greatest gift and greatest curse to humanity.

In 2031, we can have cut out the Godless metastasized cancer of State Capitalism or we can live as slaves to pharmaceutical cocktails given to us by oppressive puppet governments around the globe.

That epic free will decision lies in the hearts and souls of every child of God on this planet. For me, I choose FREEDOM FOREVER.

Rev. Mark J. Powell


1 Comment on "Powell: Next decade will prove pivotal for America"

  1. “Godless metastasized cancer of State Capitalism”
    “slaves to pharmaceutical cocktails”

    It’s apparent you have a source for the really Good Stuff .. please consider sharing. We won’t tell anyone.

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