Political lessons far & near

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Dear Editor:

The midterm elections should have taught the Republicans a simple yet significant lesson: be conservative, accountable, and transparent, or continue the erosion of the party.

As a conservative, I find it interesting, locally, our Republicans are getting more liberal because they feel the only way to get re-elected is to borrow more, create more business for donors, be less accountable, be less transparent, and give as much money to special interests so it looks good on a postcard come election time.

Adding business at the expense of those who live here today to create so-called tax revenues or diversify the base in a decade and spend $1 more than we brought in is not a conservative plan. Businesses who want to be part of a special community are welcomed with open arms. If they come only for the tax break, they will quickly leave when someone else gives them a larger one.

Westfield can be run at a surplus every year based on the current tax base we have – not to mention the additional revenue from those businesses who are slowly rolling off abatements. However, it may not be enough if we need to continue repayment contracts to those donors who expect a return on their investment. We do not have room for no-bid contracts where we pay 100 percent more than an equivalent cost.

This coming May, the retiring Mayor has announced he is putting plans together to remove those on the City Council who required accountability and transparency, and those who are putting the taxpayers of Westfield first.

Editor’s note: At this link you can see a video clip of Mayor Cook saying at a public event, “A lot of efforts are being made in this wacky political game to replace a lot of council members come May.”

Why? Because it is much easier to protect those donors when you have no one to answer to.

We are seeing Council announcements by life-time lobbyists, attorneys, and past Council members who never asked for any accountability or transparency. It seems as if those in power want to return to the days of handshake agreements.

The taxpayer’s voice should be heard above special interests, outside influencers, and political lifers. Westfield is special and so are the residents who live here. Taxpayer dollars are just that: they belong to the taxpayers. Those dollars do not belong to the city to encumber debt for the lifetime of every resident and their children.

Just putting an R behind your name on a ballot means nothing these days. Please pay close attention and demand accountability from those that you select to represent you. Demand that they are willing to fight for your interests, not the interests of donors and lobbyists.

When you elect representatives who are unwilling to fight for your interests, your voice is muted, and in our case, the erosion of the so-called conservative continues.

Troy Patton, CPA
Westfield City Councilor at Large