UPDATE: Late Friday afternoon via social media, the city announced the location of the groundbreaking. It will be held at 17730 River Road. That’s south of State Road 32 near Maxwell Machinery.

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen announced Thursday the upcoming groundbreaking of the Reimagine Pleasant Street project, which will take place at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14.
City officials have not yet given the location of the groundbreaking as of press time, but they say everyone is invited to RSVP at this link. There will be free cookies!
“The goal of Pleasant Street,” Mayor Jensen said in a video posted to social media, “is to help relieve some traffic through our downtown and open up another east to west corridor in our city. This will be a free-flowing corridor that moves, and will also have the Midland Trace Trail coming alongside it as well.”
The mayor called it his administration’s No. 1 initiative. Learn more about the project at reimaginepleasantst.com.