Play Bingo, help Heart and Soul Free Clinic of Westfield

Heart and Soul Free Clinic in Westfield will hold a Bingo Night on Feb. 6 at Grand Junction Tap Room in Westfield. The event is a fundraiser for the clinic.

Heart and Soul Free Clinic provides free medical and dental care for uninsured or underinsured individuals regardless of social, cultural or economic status. The clinic continues to grow each year. In 2019, the patient volume increased by approximately 100 patients and the clinic saw over 1,200 patient visits.

Heart and Soul Free Clinic is funded entirely by grants, donors and fundraisers and all the healthcare providers are volunteers.

Event sponsors for Bingo Night are Westfield Washington Township, Carpenter Realtors and Riverview Health. Please consider reserving tickets at

This will be a cash-only event due to Indiana Gaming Laws.