On Jan. 26, Noblesville Common Council member Pete Schwartz (left) filed for re-election on Thursday as an At-Large member. Schwartz has represented District 2 since January 2020.

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“It was very exciting to be able to submit my paperwork for reelection for Noblesville Common Council,” Schwartz said. “As a lifelong resident of Noblesville, it gives me great pleasure to serve the citizens of Noblesville in this capacity. The last few years serving on council has taught me that Noblesville residents are just as passionate as I am. And when I ran my first campaign, I pledged to address traffic issues, support public safety, and be transparent to the public by being accessible to constituents.
“I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about launching my campaign for reelection and continue to keep my promises to Noblesville residents, seeing through the Pleasant Street project, and other strategic infrastructure investments.
“Due to district realignment, I have decided to run for the at-large position.
“Currently, I am the liaison for the parks board. I am also on the public safety committee. I was recently chosen to be on the Noblesville Arts Council.
“My wife Amber and two children Conner and Emmalee and we couldn’t be happier to call Noblesville home and look forward to an exciting future.”