Palladium Players will feature discussion on Molière’s comedy Tartuffe

On Monday, May 9, the Palladium Players will feature a discussion of Molière’s comedy Tartuffe. The free event starts at 6 p.m. in the Frank and Katrina Basile Education Suite at The Palladium in Carmel.

This casual, educational discussion and reading will focus on select excerpts from the play. For this reading, attendees will look for people who are interested in learning a bit more about plays, reading some characters and discussing the scenes.

About the play

Tartuffe is one of Molière’s most famous theatrical comedies and is generally considered his best. Though the original text was banned for being controversial, Molière was finally allowed to perform a revised version in 1669. This revised Tartuffe has enjoyed centuries of success and is still performed today.

Click here to register for this free event.