Sheridan museum expanding

Hippodrome Theater to be new site of local history . . . Many residents of the Sheridan community are aware that the Sheridan Historical Society has purchased what used to…

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Fishers firefighters graduate medic school

The Fishers Fire Department is proud to announce the graduation of Fishers firefighters Martin “Marty” Devine and Recruit Jordan Allen as Certified Paramedics from the IU School of Medicine Indianapolis…

Rebel Run hits Forest Park Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 25 is the ninth annual Lucky Teter Rebel Run Car and Vintage Motorcycle Show at Forest Park in Noblesville. This open show – in honor of past Noblesville…

HSE helps shed light on suicide prevention

In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Hamilton Southeastern Schools is holding “A Personal Conversation with Bob Kravitz,” featuring a conversation and panel discussion about mental health awareness. The…