Outdoor Indiana magazine features covered bridges

Outdoor Indiana magazine’s September-October issue features a cover article on the state’s iconic covered bridges.

Nationally, Indiana, with 90 covered bridges, has more than all but two states, Pennsylvania and Ohio; however, the Hoosier state’s Parke County, with 31, has more than any other county in the United States.

Outdoor Indiana was recently honored by the Association for Conservation Information (ACI) as the second best state-sponsored conservation/outdoor recreation magazine in the country.

Outdoor Indiana is available now at most Barnes & Noble stores in Indiana for $4. Subscriptions are $15 for one year (six issues, a 38 percent savings off cover) and $28 for two years (12 issues, a 42 percent savings off cover).

Subscribe at innsgifts.com or by calling (317) 233-3046. To read article excerpts, go to OutdoorIndiana.org.