Meg Gates Osborne, whose grandfather Ralph F. Gates served as Governor of the great state of Indiana, has decided the time is right to enter into local politics in the community that she has loved and worked in for the past 30-plus years.

Osborne has filed for the first time to represent her neighbors and friends in the Briar Creek area as a Precinct Committeeman, charged with the responsibility and honor to ensure a fair and accurate vote on Election Day and to cast a vote, if necessary, to fill an open position on the Carmel City Council or the Mayor’s seat.
“I grew up in politics … my grandfather was obviously the Governor of the State of Indiana. But my father, also, was both Whitley County and 4th District Republican Chairman in northern Indiana, and I recall playing with my Barbies on the floor of the Whitley County Republican Party Office as a young child,” said Osborne.
You might think Meg was a natural for politics, but she valued family and work more than the perks of political connections.
“When Brad and I were first married, my dad encouraged me to get involved in Marion County, but we were just married and I started having babies, was a wife and began to coach swimming at a local high school and USA Swimming Club,” she said.
With her children grown and her professional life intertwined with the City of Carmel – as well as other local companies and not-for-profit initiatives – She has decided to answer the call of many of her friends and professional partners to officially file for a position that is vitally important to the future of Carmel.
“We have lived in Carmel for more than 30 years in what is now Briar Creek precinct. My kids are now grown, graduated from college and living their lives,” said Osborne. “Brad and I decided it was time to give back to Carmel.”
She continued, “My dad greatly appreciated his precinct committeemen and said they were the ‘backbone of the Republican Party’ … so I figured this is a great way to sustain all of the good things about Carmel, Indiana and be a positive force in keeping the momentum growing for a community that has achieved a reputation for having low taxes, plenty of high-paying jobs and a quality of life that is top of the line no matter to whom you compare.”