Orange Youth Baseball organization broke ground for its new home fields Friday evening at Noblesville Naz Church. There will be two fields at the site, a larger one for players ages 12-18 and a smaller field for players ages 7-11. Construction will begin in earnest next week, with the fields expected to be completed by next spring. Orange Youth Baseball expects to host 200 games next season, with 30,000 to 40,000 people coming through the facility.
Pictured: Orange Youth Baseball president Steve Burzynski and Noblesville Naz Lead Pastor Jesse Garner turn over the ceremonial first part of ground, with Orange Youth Baseball officials and Noblesville Naz board members looking on.

(Richie Hall)
We recently moved in to James Place and one of the many things we like is the peace and quiet. Adding two baseball fields right behind our empty nesters community is probably going to lower our property values as well as increase traffic and noise. Please consider that things as all of us a re to old too move again! !!