Grow with Google Workshop series launches March 4 as new feature of small business hub
The OneZone Chamber of Commerce will host its first of four Grow With Google Workshops at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 4. This one-hour webinar event kicks off the organization’s involvement in the Google Partner program.
The March 4 workshop will focus on how businesses can best reach customers online. This Google-hosted event is free to attend, but pre-registration is required for businesses to participate.

“We are very excited to offer this virtual event to our local business community,” said OneZone President Jack Russell. “Our organization understands the challenges and pivots business owners have made to adapt over the past year. Improving access to resources like Google supports our initiative to empower small businesses.”
During this workshop, businesses will learn how to be found online with Google. Facilitated by Erin Bemis, speaker for the Grow with Google partner program, the session will provide the following insights:
- An overview of how Google Search works
- How to improve a website’s visibility with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- An introduction to products like Google My Business, Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and more.
The OneZone Google Partner program supports the organization’s Small Business Hub, an initiative to support businesses with evolving, relevant resources.
To register for the March 4 event, visit and click on “Events.”