OneZone Chamber of Commerce has announced its 2023 legislative priorities for local lawmakers to address during the legislative session at the Indiana Statehouse.
OneZone’s top priorities advocate for local businesses by supporting policies in the areas of healthcare, workforce development, and improving the supplier diversity certification process at the state level.

“As we head into the upcoming session our focus will be on three key areas: healthcare, workforce development, and supplier diversity certifications,” OneZone Chamber CEO Jack Russell said. “Each year we survey our membership to see what issues they believe should be our focused priorities. Our goal at OneZone is to help businesses and communities thrive. We believe addressing these priorities will further our mission and we look forward to working with our delegation during the legislative session and beyond.”
OneZone will again be represented by Torchbearer Public Affairs during the 2023 legislative session.
OneZone Chamber of Commerce is also holding a new event called “Eggs & Issues” presented by Church Church Hittle + Antrim. Local lawmakers will speak during the breakfast, and there is time for a question-and-answer session at the end of each event. Upcoming Eggs & Issues with State Legislators are Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, and April 14 from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at The Bridgewater Club. Registration is required and can be completed at
OneZone Chamber of Commerce supports policies that improve overall public health outcomes for Hoosiers and encourage transparency and competitiveness within the healthcare system in an effort to lower employer costs.
The cost of providing health care, including but not limited to hospital fees, prescription medication, insurance costs, and specialty drugs and services, are some of the most significant expenses for Indiana employers. Additionally, Indiana is continuously ranked poorly in public health metrics such as smoking, obesity, maternal mortality, and mental/behavioral health challenges.
Full cost transparency of healthcare industry partners should be required in order to drive market forces, increase competitiveness, and support employer and consumer choice. Promoting transparency and competitiveness in healthcare costs will shine the spotlight on inequities in the system, eliminate unnecessary duplication, and offer more employer and consumer choice.
Recognizing that the total cost of care is directly correlated with an individual’s underlying state of health, policies to encourage preventative care, address social determinants of health, and support the adoption of healthy lifestyles should be pursued by all stakeholders.
Additionally, OneZone supports healthcare policies that empower employers’ autonomy to make decisions for their businesses. Every stakeholder in the healthcare space, including hospitals, insurance companies, and providers, must be at the table to find solutions.
Workforce Development/Talent Attraction
OneZone Chamber of Commerce supports policies and incentives that encourage attracting, training, and retaining talent to meet the needs of current and future workforce.
While the labor market remains robust, the number of qualified workforce participants continue to dwindle, with job vacancies causing problems for industries across the board. It is critical that Indiana creates an environment that allows Indiana businesses to remain competitive and, thus, spurring growth in existing and future economic development.
This could include policies that: incentivize attainable housing for all income levels; investments in tourism that create more quality opportunities for residents and celebrate all vibrant Indiana communities; removing overly burdensome regulations; and keeping Indiana’s tax climate business friendly.
Supplier Diversity Certification Process
OneZone Chamber of Commerce supports policies that optimize the supplier diversity certification process, including simplicity and accessibility.
The Supplier Diversity Certifications (Women-Owned Businesses, Minority-Owned Businesses and Veteran-Owned Businesses) help to recognize and support the types of business owners who have historically faced obstacles in securing contracts with Indiana state and local government. OneZone supports ensuring that the process to get certified as such a business is optimized, streamlined and simple.