OneZone CEO thanks Brenda Myers for her decades of unrivaled leadership & vision

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Brenda Myers, President & CEO of Hamilton County Tourism. Her remarkable leadership has profoundly impacted our county, not just through the visible projects we encounter daily but also in the countless unseen ways she has shaped our community.

Brenda’s ability to bring people together has been instrumental in fostering a collaborative spirit across our county. Her responsiveness to every individual who has reached out to her – listening attentively and addressing concerns with genuine care – demonstrates her commitment to inclusivity and excellence. Her mastery in using data to drive informed decisions has ensured that our tourism initiatives are both effective and forward-thinking.

Moreover, Brenda’s influence spans from the northern reaches to the southern corners, and from the eastern edges to the western expanse of Hamilton County. Her legacy will undoubtedly be felt for years to come, as she has left an indelible mark on our community through both her visionary projects and her personal example of leadership.

Thank you, Brenda, for everything you have done for Hamilton County. Your impact is immeasurable, and we are deeply grateful for your service and dedication.

Jack Russell
President & CEO
OneZone Chamber

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