One sip away from insanity

I’m one sip away from insanity and coffee is the one thing that makes me not lose my everlasting piece of mind.

I recently bought a Nespresso machine since I’ve been a night shift worker for almost two years now, and I have to admit: if the Nespresso machine were to take its last breath anytime soon, I’d be sure to provide it a proper burial and might dig a six-foot hole right next to it.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this passionate about the brown liquid that awakens the brain cells and gives us reason to live. (Yeah yeah, I’m sure maybe your family or friends might give you reason to live, but if I’m being completely honest, it’s the coffee that helps get me to the point of being able to tolerate the family and friends that are worth living for.)

I started my coffee journey during my junior year of college at the University of Southern Indiana in 2018. At the time I wasn’t addicted to the caffeine found nestled at coffee shops, but rather, I was addicted to the warmth and open arms, the solitude, and the training of teaching my brain how to slow down the constant thinking process it gets wrapped up in.

I used to take my backpack to a local coffee shop that no longer exists (R.I.P. to Whiteswan on Franklin Street in Evansville, Ind.) and I used to study, read, and people watch.

At the time, I had failed nursing school and was a lost soul and found myself wandering at least once a week to my safe haven. The owners don’t know this, but Whiteswan was one of the only things I looked forward to back then. That coffee shop was my one constant and true companion, and it might be odd to find that in a building, but to me, that building became a second home away from my Ireland, Ind., home.

From my journey from Ireland to Evansville and then to Old Hickory, Tenn., and now to Noblesville, the constant has remained: I want to discover each and every coffee shop close to me. I want to try the bold and the bitter, the sweet and the smooth, the dirty and delicate.

So, let the chapters begin and let the book be written. Join me in my journey of discovering local coffee shops of Hamilton County.

Do you have a local favorite coffee shop in Hamilton County I should try? Know of a coffee shop that has a unique experience like no other coffee shop around? Have a favorite menu item you think I should try? I’m all ears and ready for the adventure.

Sydney Schmitt is a self-pronounced coffee addict who is a new resident of Noblesville. She can be reached at She’d love to hear from you and what coffee shops she should try!