Of feathers & bracelets

The pain you carry today may someday lighten the hurt that someone feels in the future.

My friend Corinne Gunter and I wear bracelets that say, “I can do hard things.” We have recently said, “But we are tired of doing hard things.”

The truth is . . . we have no choice. That doesn’t sound very spiritual. She’s a pastor and I’m, well, often in need of pastoral advice. In times of trouble and hurt, she’s been my go-to pastor and friend. She knows when I text, “Want to walk?” I mean I need to talk. Her texts tell me the same thing. We drop what we are doing to enter a sacred time of sharing our hearts.

Corinne knows how to pray for me, and she knows the scriptures my heart needs to hear. Why? Because she knows me. She knows my heart. She knows what it’s like to go through hard times and what it’s like to hurt. When I say hurt, I am saying down-to-the-tender quick of my heart where old hurts are stirred with new hurts.

Her words matter because her story has made a difference in my life. I’ve seen her walk a difficult journey yet be willing to walk with me as I walk my difficult journey.

We learned a long time ago that we are not meant to do life alone. Community is needed when we go through things that wound our hearts and weigh heavily on our minds.

The words my friend Corinne speaks into my life give me hope and allow me to once again find joy.

Joy? You might ask how I can find joy during hard times. Joy is found in knowing who God is in my life. Seeing Him in the living-in-the-present moments. Choosing to see His beauty in a sunset of gold, purple and pink. Having a friend who gives me such a huge hug that my heart feels it. Hearing the worship song “The Goodness of God” and the tears fall because … all my life, God has been faithful. I begin to realize just how blessed I am.

It’s not about going through the exact heartache of someone else. It’s being able to recognize the feelings and emotions that come from a place of deep hurt and pain.

Community and friendship are so valuable to mental health as well as heart health.

My friend Corinne and I will continue to wear our bracelets and do hard things. As I said, we have no choice.

I pray my words can lighten the hurt that others are carrying. When words reach the broken heart of someone and offer a balm to the pain … it gives hope. Hope keeps us going in the hard times. Hope blooms into joy.

One of my go-to scriptures is Psalm 91:4-5. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

God says He will cover you with his feathers. As I told Corinne this week, “If you need more feathers, I will share the feathers that God has covering me.” I know she will do the same.

Who knew that feathers could lighten the weight of hard things?

Corinne and I know it well. Feathers and bracelets.

If we ever need to be reminded, we simply look down at our wrists and our bracelets tell us … I can do hard things.

If you would like to hear the thoughts of my friend, Corinne, here’s a link to one of her most recent talks, “No Matter What.”

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.

1 Comment on "Of feathers & bracelets"

  1. Judy A. Payne | November 6, 2022 at 10:41 am |

    Thank you for sharing Janet! Wise and helpful words, as always! God Bless!

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