This was one of those weeks where I had a few strong ideas for my column, but nothing that would come close to 500 words. Thus, you all get to read one of my “odds and ends” columns. Lucky you.
The joke’s (not) on me
Do you have anyone in your circle of family and friends who simply cannot remember and/or tell a joke to save their lives? That would be me in my circles.
If someone tells me a joke, even one that makes me almost split my side with laughter, I usually cannot remember it the next day. Even a simple one.
For example, John told me a great joke last Monday. I truly thought it was hilarious. But when he asked me if I could repeat it Tuesday evening … well …
His joke was, “With the advances in A.I. and neural technology, I believe a great invention would be an air freshener that you can control with your mind … it makes ‘scents’ if you think about it.”
My retelling was, “With A.I. and everything, I’m going to invent an air freshener you control with your brain. I mean, it makes sense.”
John just shook his head and put in on the dining room table.
Our calling in life
On a more serious note, I just finished a book about our calling in life. I like the definition from the Professional Leadership Institute of our calling as a career or walk of life that a person feels compelled or meant to do.
So often we think of a calling as something grandiose or saintly. Like a calling to be a missionary, pastor, governor, president, etc. But a calling can be just as simple as being a stay-at-home mom … a painter … a custodian … a writer … a customer service representative.
We can all touch lives with our calling, no matter what level it may be. I’d love it if we could stop looking down on people in our society who didn’t go to college, who are content to work for a retail store, fast food place, a construction company, etc.
My father-in-law always made a point to look people in the eye and ask for their name and show them respect, no matter what job they had. I try to follow his example. Everyone we come in contact with has a calling and is shaping lives, whether they realize it or not.
Yes, I was embracing winter … but this is ridiculous
Remember my lofty column about embracing winter back in January? I did great. Really. Until mid-February. And I officially kicked winter to the curb the second weekend of March when I put away all the winter decorations and brought out the spring ones.
We had glorious weather with sun and temps in the 70s last week … and such a beautiful day last Tuesday. And now … this. I just heard that they had a blizzard in Nebraska Wednesday.
Mother Nature … you’re not being nice.
Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs, and a cat. You can reach her via email at
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