“Noises Off” draws Westfield crowds

“Noises Off” Director Brent Wooldridge lies across the cast’s laps. (Seated, from left) Matt Hartzburg, Diann Ryan and Scott Prill. (Standing, from left) Caity Withers, Dave Hoffman, Mathew S. Scherschel and Dana Leah. (Photo provided)

Main Street Productions and Westfield Playhouse are staging the beloved farce, “Noises Off” by Michael Frayn. The Reporter had the opportunity to speak with Producer Cheryl Fesmire about this light-hearted comedy.

Noises Off is often considered the best farce ever written,” Fesmire said. “I think that’s probably true.”

The story is told in three acts.

“The first is the rehearsal of the cast with all the things that don’t go right in that,” Fesmire explained. “The second act is seen from backstage. There is just mayhem and nothing goes right. In true farce style there is a lot of slamming doors, mistaken identities and disguises that don’t really work. The third act is a performance after a great deal of infighting and jealousy so that doesn’t go right either.”

(Seated, from left) Matt Hatzburg, Diann Ryan and Scott Prill. (Standing, from left) Caity Withers, Dave Hoffman, Mathew S. Scherschel and Dana Lesh. (Photo provided)

According to Fesmire, sardines are a big component of this show, which you will have to see to appreciate.

As produced, Fesmire is responsible for making sure correct information gets into the program, that things are running well and that the director, Brent Wooldridge, has everything he needs. She also helps build sets under the direction of John Sampson.

“The challenge for this play at Main Street is to have a set that is two levels and can turn because it is a small stage,” Fesmire said.

Every year Main Street Productions sends out requests for directors to submit plays. A play-reading committee reads the plays and makes their recommendations. That is taken to the board for the final decision.

Main Street tries to have a variety of programming so you have a little bit of something for everybody during the season. After their last dramatic production of 33 Variations, staging a farce is a very different experience.

“Comedy is much harder to do effectively than drama,” Fesmire said. Especially when you are running up and down stairs and doing absurd things like dropping sardines on people’s heads or carrying an axe around.”

Fesmire wanted to thank and make note of some of the people without whom this production would not have been possible.

“John Sampson is in charge of set design,” Fesmire said. “I think he will have a much easier time of it when we get our new location. Brent Wooldridge is directing. He has directed a lot of shows and this is the second time he has worked at Westfield. I want to put in a word for the actors. Not only is this show difficult because of memorization and timing, but physically – especially in the second act – they never stop moving. Kudos to all of them. It’s a real workout for the actors, for the director, the set designer and the stagehands.”

There are two weekends of Noises Off remaining, April 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. and April 15 and 22 at 2:30 p.m. Go to westfieldplayhouse.org or call (317) 402-3341 for tickets. Although you can buy your tickets at the doors, since this is such a popular production it is recommended you at least call for reservations.

“Both nights of opening weekend we were almost sold out,” Fesmire said. “People laughed. They really enjoyed it. This is a great play for right now with everything that is going on and all the stresses people are feeling. They can just come to this show and be entertained.”