Two individuals and one collaborative partnership in Indiana have been awarded Duke Energy’s economic development “Partner Achievement Award” for 2019.

Each year, Duke Energy recognizes these economic development partners for their outstanding efforts to help bring growth and economic development to their regions.
The 2019 Partner Achievement Awards go to:
- Judi Johnson, director of economic development for Noblesville, for her tireless dedication and collaborative spirit that have resulted in tremendous growth in her community and region
- Terri Randall, president and CEO, One Dearborn Inc., for her outstanding efforts to create a new economic development organization and strategic plan to bring growth to Dearborn County
- The Indiana Power Partnership, a new collaboration that includes the economic development teams from American Electric Power, Duke Energy, Hoosier Energy, Indiana Municipal Power Agency, Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Vectren, a CenterPoint Energy Company, and the Wabash Valley Power Alliance
“We appreciate that these individuals and organizations have long recognized the value in combining forces to develop local and regional economies,” said Erin Schneider, Duke Energy director for economic development in Indiana. “Building successful and prosperous communities takes a dedicated team with dedicated time to generate long-term growth.”
The Partner Achievement Award is not based on any specific metric, but rather is more about local and regional economic development organizations building successful long-term relationships with Duke Energy.