From April 26 to 28, the Indiana Lions State Convention was held at the Embassy Suites in Noblesville. Many Lions Clubs from across Indiana convened for partnership and to attend the many seminars. Attendees were treated to Saturday’s luncheon speaker Katie Stam-Irk, Miss America 2009, and the dinner speaker Past International President J. Frank Moore of Alabama. Two Noblesville Lions were honored at the event. Lion Jeff Kozicki was given the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to honor exemplary service, which is named after Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions International. Kozicki is the current Global Membership Approach (GMA) 25D Coordinator. Lion Steve Craig received a nomination for Lion of the Year.

(Left) Lion Jeff Kozicki with Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. (Right) Lion Steve Craig with State Lion of the Year Nomination. (Photos provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

25D Lion Leadership (from left): Scott Smith, Past Dist. Gov; Julia Kozicki, 25D Dist. Gov; and Rocky Simpson, 25D Governor-Elect. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)