The 2019–20 Indiana Paralegal Association Board of Directors. (Front row, from left) Janice Wann-Snyder, Jamie Burks CRP, Julie Johnson IRP, Lottie Wathen IRP, Sarah Ogden and Tracey Woolsey RP®. (Back row, from left) Ellen Wilkerson, Kathy Thurston IRP, Amy Yeskie, Nichole Miller, Lucy R.S. Chandler, Cheri Spicer RP® and Jodie Bergeron. Not pictured: Everlla H. Savage IRP, Kristy King-Gordon and Laura E. Adamaitis Thirion. (Photo provided)
The Indiana Paralegal Association held its Annual Installation Luncheon and Awards Ceremony at the Skyline Club on July 17. The Honorable Heather Welch, Judge of Marion Superior Court Civil Division 1, was the guest speaker and honored the newly elected IPA officers and directors by delivering words of inspiration and administering the oath of office.
IPA Board of Directors
The officers and directors serve on the Board of Directors and volunteer their time for a one-year term, representing IPA’s members’ interests to the best of their skills and abilities. Locally, Noblesville’s Sarah Ogden begins her second year as the Board’s Parliamentarian.
The elected officers and directors for the 2019-2020 term are:
- President: Lottie Wathen IRP of Edinburgh (Clark, Quinn, Moses, Scott & Grahn, LLP)
- Vice President: Everlla H. Savage IRP of McCordsville (Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP)
- Secretary: Laura E. Adamaitis Thirion of Plainfield (Katz Korin Cunningham LLP)
- Treasurer: Kathy Thurston IRP of Indianapolis (Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman)
- CLE Director: Cheri Spicer RP® of Wanamaker (Indiana Education Employment Relations Board)
- Education Director: Nichole Miller of Avon (Mallor Grodner LLP)
- Ethics Director: Kristy King of La Porte (Howes & Howes, LLP)
- Fundraising Director: Jodie Bergeron of Greenwood (Cohen & Malad LLP)
- Job Bank Director: Julie Johnson IRP of Indianapolis (Bose McKinney & Evans LLP)
- Marketing/PR Director: Janice Wann-Snyder of Kempton (Nickloy & Barry LLP)
- Membership Director: Amy Yeskie of Indianapolis (Krieg DeVault LLP)
- Monthly Meeting Director: Ellen Wilkerson of Franklin (Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse LLP)
- Newsletter Director: Lucy R.S. Chandler of Indianapolis (Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman)
- NFPA Primary Rep.: Tracey Woolsey RP® of Mooresville (Cummins Inc.)
- Parliamentarian: Sarah Ogden of Noblesville (Cummins Inc.)
- Technology Director: Jamie Burks CRP of Indianapolis (Citizens Energy Group)
Each year, the IPA presents awards to honor its members who have displayed exceptional abilities and who put their many virtues to work to better the organization. Five awards were presented at the ceremony this year. The awards and recipients are as follows:
- Outstanding New Member of the Year Award was awarded to Dawn Edmondson, Cantrell, Strenski & Mehringer, LLP
- Outstanding Board Member of the Year Award was awarded to Sarah Ogden, Cummins, Inc.
- Paralegal of the Year Award was awarded to Tracey Woolsey, Cummins, Inc.
- IPA Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to Angela Hopson, Cummins, Inc.
- Paralegal Employer of the Year was awarded to Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP (Indianapolis). This award, originating in 2015, is given to a law firm, corporation, organization, or governmental entity that encourages membership of its paralegals in IPA, supports its paralegals attending IPA monthly meetings, supports IPA by sponsoring events, and actively promotes the education of current and future paralegals.