Noblesville voters: Something smells fishy in county government

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Dear Editor:

Yes neighbors, election season is upon us. We have already done some of our research so we can make informed selections at the poll. We have also made several of our candidate choices and put their signs in our yard. Little did we know that this would draw the juvenile reaction of the current President of the Hamilton County Council, Steve Schwartz.

This past Friday, the 18th, during the day while my wife was home alone, she heard multiple voices outside our home from the councilperson’s campaign as they decorated my property with five of their campaign signs. They had no permission to place these signs. They had no permission to be on our private property. They merely placed the orange-colored signs in strategic locations intending to upstage, block, or sandwich our chosen candidates’ signs attempting to make them ineffective.

They intimidated the wrong family.

That said, we choose to show them grace from prosecution for a first offense. Security cameras are a good thing. We will contact law enforcement, however, and ask them to contact Mr. Schwartz to personally retrieve his property. We did learn that we can throw these away since they were not placed with permission.

After experiencing sophomoric antics of the current councilperson first-hand, my wife and I knew that we needed to share our personal experience with the voters of Hamilton County. Voters should know what we went through. After decades in office, either entitlement or desperation has set in for this councilperson. Regardless of which it is, we do not want Mr. Schwartz representing us in office and I believe that many of you don’t either. Informed voters will boycott his fifth term.

Mr. Schwartz’s behavior is not only wrong, it is revealing. Character matters in our elected officials. The gall and self-entitlement required to walk onto a homeowner’s private property attempting to block other candidates campaign signs is unbelievable. This type of behavior from “We The People” servants is repugnant.

We have previously learned that under Mr. Schwartz’s rein, the State Road 37 project is $50 million ($50,000,000) over budget and still uncompleted. This councilperson is obviously distracted and more interested in plopping out sign locations than he is watching over how our tax money is being spent. I expect better behavior from our elected representatives and so should you. I did not ask to be sign bombed but he chose my family to do this to.

Prior to Friday’s fiasco we have supported both Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush and Mark F. Hall, both constitutionalists, something that should be important to all citizens of Hamilton County. The attitude and entitlement of Mr. Schwartz tells what we need to know about this county councilperson.

I encourage you to join us in voting for Mark F. Hall for Hamilton County Council and Dennis Quakenbush for Sheriff.

Brad and Deborah Eddy


4 Comments on "Noblesville voters: Something smells fishy in county government"

  1. Casey Arnold | March 23, 2022 at 2:13 pm |

    We had a family friend with a Mark Hall sign stolen out of their front yard. A family that is the most generous, high integrity family I’ve ever met. It’s insane how bad the career politicians are trying to hold on to their position. 5 terms is way too long. It’s not a career. You’re serving your community. If that’s the case, and there are no “fringe benefits” being had, then tell yourself 5 terms is enough. Yeesh.

  2. Welcome to Hamilton county folks, you’re getting a lesson in bottom feeding county election politics.
    Individuals holding office for decades upon decades & cultivation cozy relationships with county vendors who funnel $$ to their re-election efforts in return for favored status.
    At one point not that long ago – a longest serving county commissioner was taking vacations with & paid for by county vendors, maybe still ..
    All hail the yard sign.

  3. Many voters are unaware of shenanigans like these– and even less aware of the good old boys’ club to grow control. New candidate Griffin for example, would join Maki as a continuance of Carmelites extending their iron grip from Carmel City Hall to take over the County. This goes for ALL parties: term limits would be good, and better still would voting against all who try to grow their grip on power.

  4. What is hysterical is the fact this county, this state elects the same type of people every 2-4 yrs. Most of the people don’t vote anyways but complain endlessly about the Govt which is elected. I’m not sure what happened or when people in this state just decided ” hey, im gonna let someone else decide my life for me” but it keeps happening.

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