Noblesville voters laud Mike Davis for Council

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Dear Editor,

We support Mike Davis for Noblesville Common Council, District 1. Mike Davis is a lifelong Noblesville resident, business owner and community leader. We’ve known Mike for 45 years. Being lifelong Noblesville advocates and community volunteers, we understand the work ethic, financial responsibility and vision it takes to run a successful city.

Mike possesses all of these qualities and more. He would be an excellent choice for the Noblesville Common Council. Mike’s family has shown their commitment to Noblesville through their many years of investing in Noblesville and serving the public.

I know Mike also has a passion for downtown Noblesville. He owns a building on the square and takes great pride in being part of the downtown culture. We are both excited to see downtown prosper and grow, while still respecting Noblesville’s history.

Lastly, Mike cares deeply about our community. He has been a part of developing our youth, joining nonprofit boards and supporting those in need.

We hope you’ll join us in keeping Noblesville first and voting for Mike Davis for Noblesville Common Council on May 7!


Bryan & Cathie Mills
