Noblesville voter wants Corbett to tell the truth

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Dear Editor:

After weeks of hearing Mike Corbett’s claim that he has not accepted donations from “special interests” or the “political elite,” I did my research. As I had imagined, this claim is simply not true.

First, it must be noted that Mike, his family and his business donated (directly or in-kind) $8,500 of his $15,230 in reported funds. Of the remaining $6,730, a whopping 73 percent came from special interests:

  • Richard Vonnegut – CEO, Hoosier Rails to Trails ($4,000)
  • Jae Ebert – President, V&J Consulting, Engineering and Construction Consultant ($480)
  • Jason Spartz – Noblesville land developer and husband of State Senator Victoria Spartz ($450)

While disguised as “individual donations,” these are not “everyday citizens” looking out for the little guy, as Corbett would have you believe. Corporate donations are a part of nearly every campaign, as we’ve all learned by now.

I just wish Mr. Corbett would tell the voters the truth.

Rich Breyer
