Noblesville voter: Steve Dillinger is “consistently outstanding” as a leader

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Dear Editor,

Hamilton County is fortunate to have consistently outstanding leaders, one of them being Steve Dillinger.

I have known Steve for 20 years and I found him to be a strong supporter of Riverview Hospital, open to new ideas, a good listener and a progressive leader, who was always looking to better our community. He has dedicated years to public service and has worked well with other community leaders to bring about positive progressive changes.

Over the course of his service he has seen tremendous population growth and, with it, many challenges. He has worked to make sure that with that growth the county has had the necessary infrastructure needed.

He is also the longest serving Commissioner in Indiana. During this time of uncertainty, we need experienced, trusted leaders.

I support Steve Dillinger for County Commissioner on June 2 and I hope you will too.

Pat Fox


1 Comment on "Noblesville voter: Steve Dillinger is “consistently outstanding” as a leader"

  1. Jeff Herbs | May 10, 2020 at 10:45 am |

    Steve Dillinger only cares about himself. He always wants people to thank him, tell him good job. He does nothing for anyone that doesn’t benefit him. He’s a crook. Steals county funds and no one investigates. “Best employee insurance in the world” ya well it cost an arm and a leg Steve. Fire STEVE

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