Noblesville voter says Kozicki is “best qualified”

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to endorse Julia Church Kozicki, whom I feel is the best-qualified candidate for Mayor of Noblesville.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Julia on a professional and personal level for over a decade. During that time, we have served together on the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation board and have been Tri Kappa sisters.

I have always found her to be a great leader. She is patient and takes her time when working with others. She is thorough in her research, has tremendous listening skills and gives great thought in her response and delivery when speaking in a group or one on one. As a leader, Julia makes sure to address everyone’s needs, is inclusive to newcomers and lifelong members and truly enjoys working to achieve a common goal.

You can tell that Julia sincerely cares about Noblesville and the direction that we are headed. Being a lifelong member of the community, she is strongly invested in our current and future residents. She was not only raised in Noblesville but has also raised her family here. Her vision is to expose our city to new growth opportunities while keeping a small-town feel. She has a strong moral character, excellent leadership skills, and raises the bar when it comes to serving our community.

She has had tremendous growth as a leader in Noblesville and sets a great example for our youth. Julia has repeatedly demonstrated her leadership qualities as a three-times elected school board member, Dean, and President of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy along with other notable positions.

She is running focused on making Noblesville a better and safer community to live, work, play and raise a family. She is not a career politician looking for a stepping stone or trading on past political relationships that are based upon raising money.

What is important to me and should be to the voters of our city are her credentials, work history and educational background, which are simply superior to the other candidates in this race. We need a Mayor – a proven leader – who will be inclusive and transparent, who will tackle tough issues and will include the opportunity for our voices to be heard during the decision-making process.

I urge you to vote on May 7 for Julia Church Kozicki.

Jennifer Jacobi
