Noblesville voter pleased Forgey willing to serve on school board again

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Dear Editor:

My late husband once said, “Joe Forgey is the happiest person I have ever met.” To be happy one must be kind, honest, caring, generous, non-judgmental among other things.

Joe loves people, especially children. That is why he was a pediatric dentist. I want to thank him for serving our children and grandchildren during the covid years on the school board. It was a very difficult time for all.

I am so thrilled that he is willing to serve another four years for our children.

Susan Douthit


1 Comment on "Noblesville voter pleased Forgey willing to serve on school board again"

  1. Lawrence Snair III | October 12, 2022 at 6:25 am |

    Ma’am, All of the attributes you assigned to Joe did not mention anything about his support for progressive “woke” initiatives like his vote to hire a Diversity, Inclustion and Equity Executive at a cost of $100,000.00 plus of tax funds that are badly needed on our classrooms. That is just one reason this parent will NOT support Joe Forgey for another 4 years of his liberal agenda. Our children deserve better.

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