Noblesville voter: Kiser & Ray will “refocus on what is essential” in schools

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Dear Editor:

Our public schools have become a major issue of contention in the past couple years, which has been brought to a head due to the school closings during COVID.

Parents became aware that many things being taught, while students were attending remotely from home, were not acceptable. These things, under euphemistic titles like, “Social Emotional Learning,” “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” and “Gender Affirming Care,” are not the subjects I and a majority of parents expect our schools to be covering. These are things that have to do with values, religious beliefs and the emotional health of our children, which are covered by parental rights; we protect these rights for our minor children.

This needs to change and it’s why I am supporting Melba Kiser and Misti Ray. They will help Noblesville Schools refocus on what is essential: academic excellence, extra-curricular options and physical safety.

I encourage you to vote for them on Nov. 8 as well.

Brian Gutreuter