Noblesville voter: Forgey & Haberman are leaders we need on the school board

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Dear Editor:

School board elections. There is a reason these are not based on political parties.

Under Dr. Joe Forgey’s leadership, Noblesville Schools have one of the best career and workforce development programs in the state. He has recognized that college is not for everyone and has helped create solid options for that very significant part of the student population. Is that not exactly what we should be doing?

I have known Dr. Forgey professionally and personally since my wife and I moved to Noblesville in 1977. We served many of the same patients over those years. I can firmly attest to the strong character of Dr. Forgey. He has coached youth sports and served on numerous boards and committees in our community. He is passionate about what he does and what he believes in. He is passionate about Noblesville as a community and wants what is best for it. Nothing is more important to him than the quality of education of our youth. The only reason that I can imagine that one would question his character would be to further one’s own agenda at his expense.

Joe Forgey understands and monitors the budgeting and spending processes. As I read some of the proposals of others running for school board, I see suggestions of not accepting federal funding. I do not believe this has been well thought out as to the unintended consequences. In Indiana, schools are funded by property taxes and supplemented with state and federal funding. The suggestion that Noblesville city government should make up the loss of federal funds suggests a lack of understanding of school funding. That, in itself, would suggest that this person should not be a school board member.

With one exception, Dr. Forgey has had the solid support of the current board and administration.

American politics today, in my opinion, has devolved into representation by people with a limited agenda that they want to force upon the rest of us. Too often, we have allowed this to happen. Chuck Haberman is running for School Board following the same principles and is in support of Joe.

I am confident that Dr. Forgey and Chuck Haberman come from the right place of doing what is best for the students, teachers, and community. Shouldn’t we all want that? I ask that you support them in the upcoming election.

Walt Beaver M.D.