Noblesville voter: Change alone isn’t good enough reason to vote for someone

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Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter as an informed voter and hope you will be, too.

I recently moved to Noblesville, and the last few years I have paid close attention to elections. The candidates I took most interest in is the County Council District 3 election (Steve Schwartz vs. Mark F. Hall). Not knowing either candidate, I went to work to get to know them.

I strongly feel individuals running for public office should be scrutinized to the fullest. Local government has the closest impact, so I spare no expense finding out who is going to be making local decisions.

Looking at the incumbent (Steve Schwartz) I found little social media presence, but I did find that he has had a couple of business registered with the state and a store in Noblesville. I did not find any legal issues with his business.

His opponent, on the other hand, was shockingly different. A quick search showed his feeding boxes – certainly a nice way to help the community, but it was obvious that he designed his “charity” to use it to help him campaign for election. For someone to do this has their morals and ethics in the wrong place, I feel.

Looking further, I found that this is his second attempt for this position along with failing to win a city council position and a state senate position. So many attempts to run for different positions makes one question the reason they run – power? You don’t have to look far to find photos capturing the campaign sign stealing nonsense that took place last time he attempted to run.

Looking into his businesses, does he have over 20 registered active and defunct businesses and shell companies with several lawsuits attached to them? Looking at the public information on the cases, those business were sued for not paying employees and one for selling a business with hidden debt with the amount over $300,000. Unscrupulous business practices to say the least.

Most recently, he was voted off his neighborhood H.O.A. board position. This requires 70 percent of the neighborhood to vote him off. If his own neighbors do not like his leadership, that speaks volumes.

I strongly suggest looking into who you are voting for. You just might find a change is not always the best reason to vote for someone.

Kristi Fisher


4 Comments on "Noblesville voter: Change alone isn’t good enough reason to vote for someone"

  1. Elijah Condellone | April 11, 2022 at 8:01 am |

    Kristi, I’m just wondering if you took the time to talk to the candidates directly. It seems like you’ve done a lot of work behind the keyboard; but have you sat down and talked with Mark and Steve?

  2. Cheryl Russell | April 11, 2022 at 6:23 pm |

    County Council District 3 Mark Hall Vs. Steve Schwartz. Kristi Fisher, I have been a lifelong resident of Hamilton County, and I know both candidates. To assume that Mark Hall is doing his feeding neighbors charity for election reasons is wrong. Mark is a great guy, I have known him for about 40 years. It is so wrong of you to judge someone, and talk about their morals and ethics when you don’t even know him. Yes, Noblesville does need to make some changes.

  3. I strongly suspect the original letter was written by a fake name. She obviously doesn’t know Mark. Regardless who you vote for, to try to smear a candidate with flat out false information is wrong. Mark never in his life has served on the Oakbay HOA. Seems difficult to get “kicked off” if you’ve never been on the Board. I truly wonder who this person is, and what their ultimate goal was in writing the letter unless they have deep connections with his opponent.

  4. David Giffel | April 12, 2022 at 5:04 pm |

    Politics is not the reason Mark is giving his time, treasure and talent to these mini food pantries. You obviously don’t know Mark.

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