Noblesville voter asks you to vote Dillinger for County Commissioner

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Dear Editor:

I am asking for your support in electing Steve Dillinger for County Commissioner. I am honored to call this man my friend for many years.

I work for the Commissioners so I can say with complete knowledge and certainty that if an inexperienced Commissioner were to be in office right now in these trying times, it could be a disaster for the county. I, for one, am proud of the fact that Hamilton County has been fortunate enough to have the longest-sitting Commissioner in the state’s history.

Steve Dillinger has an extensive amount of governmental knowledge that only many years of experience can give a person. The county has received numerous prestigious awards (energy-saving solar project, local government cooperation awards, engineering in excellence to name just a few) over the past 30 years and that did not happen by accident; it happened by very modern and innovative thinking from Commissioner Dillinger and the other Commissioners.

Hamilton County is the fastest growing county in the state because our current Commissioners have made this county a destination county where people want to live. Hamilton County couldn’t ask for a better Commissioner who cares about the people, the employees and the future.

This county needs proven experienced leadership during these difficult times. Join me in voting for Steve Dillinger as your County Commissioner.

Dianna Lynch
