Noblesville Teachers’ Forum adamantly supports Forgey & Haberman for school board

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Dear Editor:

The Noblesville Teachers’ Forum (NTF) is the local union of educators at Noblesville Schools.

We each have unique roles in our buildings; we are your kids’ teachers, coaches, speech language pathologists, librarians, social workers, special education teachers, and mental health support staff. We are learner-focused, but we also help all our students to develop strong relationships and future-ready skills. We are committed to teaching students to think critically and view multiple perspectives. We are committed to creating an inclusive learning space that values all voices. We are professionals working together to do what is best for all our learners.

As professionals, we understand that collaboration and respectful relationships with all stakeholders are key to making decisions that are best for students. It is imperative that we have school board leaders who will unite our schools and community around our shared interests and view the people who work with our students as allies and not adversaries.

NTF reached out to each candidate and made our endorsement decisions after a vetting process, which included a review of completed written questionnaires, a community panel, and personal interviews. NTF encourages you to value our insight, as professionals and as our kids’ teachers, and we hope that you will join us in voting for Dr. Joe Forgey and Chuck Haberman for the Noblesville School Board two open at-large seats.

NTF has been given the opportunity to work with Dr. Joe Forgey during his four years serving on the school board and has seen firsthand his dedication, passion, and unabashed support for every Noblesville student and staff member.

In his years on the board, Dr. Forgey has consistently shown up by visiting schools, attending extracurriculars, and meeting with teachers and staff. He is dedicated to our learner-focused vision and always loves to learn alongside our students. He values and respects the insight from educators to ensure that we create inclusive environments for all our students, regardless of their background. He appreciates each educator and support staff member. He knows the teacher shortage is real, and Dr. Forgey is dedicated to retaining and recruiting amazing teachers.

NTF is confident that Dr. Joe Forgey will continue the impressive work that he’s done for our schools and community and encourages you to vote for him for Noblesville School Board.

Serving on a school board requires a leader that can focus on long-term goals, think critically, and problem solve while also being highly empathetic and willing to consider multiple perspectives – because our shared interest is people. In the conversations and interactions that NTF has had with Chuck Haberman, we have been impressed with his passion for our students’ education, eagerness to hear from teachers, and appreciation of individuals’ lived experiences.

Balancing a position that requires collaboration and decision-making that uniquely impacts each community member while being empathetic to real human concerns is an arduous role, and we truly believe that Chuck Haberman’s unique experiences in school, the U.S. Marine Corps, workforce development, and as a father shape him as a leader capable of that balance. NTF is looking forward to the opportunity to work with Haberman in making Noblesville Schools the best environment for all learners. We hope you will also vote for him on Nov. 8.

Noblesville Schools must have board leaders that will respectfully and collectively work with all the people who serve our students, regardless of their background. Forgey and Haberman are the candidates who will help lead us to focus on our shared vision, unite our community with civility, and serve as role models for our learners.

The Noblesville Teachers’ Forum encourages you to vote for Dr. Joe Forgey and Chuck Haberman for the Noblesville School Board on Nov. 8.

Allison Haley
President of the Noblesville Teachers’ Forum

2 Comments on "Noblesville Teachers’ Forum adamantly supports Forgey & Haberman for school board"

  1. Lawrence F. Snair III | October 21, 2022 at 6:16 am |

    I am very concerned that the NTF “ADAMANTLY” supports political candidates. The forum by its own admission supports TEACHERS above all other priorities. As taxpayers who pay public servants to work for us (all taxpayers), unlimited funding is their goal, but spending priorities have to be considered by voters. The teachers priorities don’t always align with those they are supposed to serve, which is THE PUBLIC, not the government school system or even our students. WE THE PEOPLE hire and pay our government employees to serve our needs. We are the responsible party that should decide what and how our servants provide that service to our children. Just like Army Generals want unlimited resources to defend our country, teachers believe in unlimited funding for education. We should thank them just as we thank out military, but like the military budget, priorities must be set. My vote will not be what NTA supports. My vote will be made after taking into conserderation all needs. I would ask teachers if education takes priority over Police safety, fire budgets, Military defense, hunger, or a host of other items. Enough of unlimited feeding on the good will of taxpayers for our children. I hope everyone votes for %#%#@% on election day. DO THE RESEARCH!

  2. Jim Meacham | October 24, 2022 at 3:20 pm |

    Noblesville Public Schools have had the MOST referendums for additional taxpayer dollars of ANY school district in the State of Indiana since the 1, 2, 3 tax rate went into effect permitting these referendums. In the latest referendum, just over 50% of the additional charge on your property tax went to pay raises for teachers… who promptly took a day off and went down to the State House and protested ‘Red for ED’ for teacher pay raises. One Noblesville teacher even embarrassed herself on state-wide TV griping about teachers pay.

    Do not bite the hand that feeds you, Noblesville Teachers Forum.

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