Noblesville Swim Club Senior Trip, Day 3: In the ‘safety circle,’ seniors share the team’s impact

Noblesville Swim Club athletes enjoy some time off from their intense training during their annual Senior Trip, which is taking place at the University of Tennessee this week. (Melinda Stephan)

Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of articles by Noblesville Swim Club members Tina Berger and Delaney Radican about the club’s Senior Trip in Knoxville, Tenn.
D: Day 3 was another long day, waking up this morning was hard for all of us we are all sore from yesterday’s practice. As a team we had to keep on motivating each other to not give up and to keep working hard as the day went on.
T: At the beginning of the day, we were all cranky and tired from the past two days workouts but we were all eager to learn more. As we went through our day, I noticed that most of us were slightly dragging. We were walking to and from practices and we all seemed down and in need of some encouragement.
At the end of the day our coach Aleks talked about how hard we have worked this week and how impressed the other coaches that have seen us work in the pool are, the weight room and outside of practice.
Aleks also pulled all of us seniors into the middle of the circle and had us talk about what the team means to us and how it has impacted our lives and shaped us as individuals. He had us talk in front of our team in a “safety circle” to represent the fact that the team was there to hold us up and keep us going when we needed them.
During our speech in front of our teammates there were some tears shed from us seniors from talking about how this club has changed our lives for the better and how we want our legacy to carry on to the following years. With all of the seniors sharing how they want their impact on the club to carry on into the future and that they want the incoming juniors to be a leader to this team as we leave the club.
At the end of the day we all went to bed inspired and ready to take on the meet tomorrow using all of the new knowledge we have gained this week. Delaney and I are very excited to dominate the meet and use our new skills to our advantage.

Noblesville Swim Club athletes enjoy some time off from their intense training during their annual Senior Trip, which is taking place at the University of Tennessee this week. (Melinda Stephan)