Noblesville Schools Superintendent Dr. Beth Niedermeyer released this statement following the passage of the Noblesville Schools operating referendum:

“On behalf of all our employees, I want to enthusiastically thank the community for supporting the operating referendum for Noblesville Schools. The measure in favor of Noblesville Schools passed by a margin of 59 percent.
“This additional referendum funding will allow us to retain and recruit high-quality staff, enhance mental health services to students, and increase safety staff and equipment.
“We take the role of managing this funding seriously and are committed to making responsible financial decisions that are aligned with our interests of providing students the best education experience possible in safe and supportive environments.
“Thank you also to those who actively supported the Miller YES campaign. There were more than 60 community meetings hosted, over 8,000 campaign calls made, generous donations given, yard signs proudly displayed, a website developed, frequent social media activity and more. For all this, we owe a debt of gratitude to our political action committee leadership, volunteers and community supporters.
“We appreciate the community for entrusting us with their support and look forward to the work we have ahead of us educating the future of Noblesville.”
Click here to watch this address in a video message.